last updated 31st January 2013

The Self Help page:

Amazing Household Remedies HERE:
ANAD - National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD):
Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc.:
Anxiety - Panic - Trauma - dealing with it:
Articles of interest - a small but growing collection:
Association for the Protection of Vaishnava Children:
Building Social Skills:
Bhaktivedanta Hospital - Mumbai

Can Prayer Help - A VERY positive scientific perspective:
Community pages:
Death, Dying, and Reincarnation related pages:

Spiritual First-Aid Kit

The Final Journey: Complete Hospice Care for Departing Vaisnavas

A Second Chance, Softbound

Coming Back

Beyond Birth and Death

Beyond Illusion and Doubt

Devotee Children's links and Devotee Youth links:
Don't be manipulated by people anymore:
Dr - Here's a useful site - family doctor on-line - until you can reach a health professional:
Domestic Violence Centre (New Zealand) click HERE for others:
Dr Global - your on-line doctor 24hrs a day:
Educational pages and links:
Find what you are looking for NOW:
Friends - How 2 B one:
Ghost Busting services available - removal of ghosts, tantrik curses, black magic, health issues etc

Health and Spirituality Support Group Where I've Been, Where I Am Now, How I Proceed: An Historical Assessment of My Journey through Illness:
Heart to Heart Counselling Service Bookshop 4 Recovering Sex-addicts:
Hypnosis Downloads - overcoming challenges
Free Hypnosis scripts - self help
In Memoriam of devotees who have passed away - a very sobering page:
Krishna Consciousness at Home:
Laughter Therapy - its no joke:
Manipulation - Understanding how some people use manipulation techniques to control you:
Marriage Compatibility - A Social Anthropological Study:
Marriage Compatibility - where you can get it done:
Miracle Recipe For Friendship:
Motivational Self Help e-books:
New Zealand doctors in the Health A to Z. Go to Xtra Health:
New Zealand Ghosts and Others- links to
Parents - Parenting - links - (useful site with the use of some discrimination): 
Parenting - Indian Parenting site
Practicing Krishna Consciousness at Home:
Reiki - Healing through the energy of the Lord:
Sales - "Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales":
"Secrets of Closing the Sale"
See through manipulative techniques of others designed to control you:
Self Help - Downloadable Books For FREE:
Sex addiction - seeking help:
SeX-files- all you ever need to know about sex in Krishna consciousness:
Social Welfare - Earthquake relief, Hunger, Abuse, Homeless, Animal rights, Disaster Relief, etc:
Teaching Social Skills
Teen Help - Teen help by Teen peers:
The use of sign language and our children along with the 'Law of Respect'
Understanding and teaching Social skills - many good links
Vaishnava Calendar Program Vcal 4.01 FREE Download:
Vedic Wisdom - Guidance:
Vegetarianism and Beyond - all manner of topics on Vegetarianism and hundreds of good links:
Vegetarian TEEN Magazine
Vegetarianism - A Beginners Guide to :
Varnashram Dharma - Traditional Vedik Social Structure:
Veges & Beyond - How To Offer Foodstuffs To God:
Why One Should Rise Early in the Morning:
"Winning Without Intimidation: How to Master the Art of Positive Persuasion in Today's Real World":
Women's Liberation addressed by Srila Prabhupada:
Youth sites - Young FOLK:

Please notify me if there are any links that are not working properly, thank you