The offensive ad' will now be removed, see letter below
Krishnas have beef with meat ad'
NZ Beef and Lamb suggest that arguments
against meat eating are myths
Should we all be vegetarians - from
Five good reasons to be vegetarian
Health and Meatless Diet
Vegetarian Fact Sheet
Hidden Cost of Meat
Other links to support vegetarianism
Krishnas have beef with meat ad',1227,169963-1-7,00.html
RELATED VIDEO (01:43) (footage at the Hare Krishna temple in Auckland and interview with Jaya Sila dasa)
New Zealand Hare Krishna devotees are demanding a television advertisement
for meat be taken off the air because they say it ridicules their religion.
They have made a formal complaint over the NZ Beef and Lamb Marketing
Bureau advertisement, which features a group of butchers dancing, singing
and chanting along a street.
The Hare Krishnas argue it is a clear imitation of their chants.
"Chanting is traditionally taken to public on the street and it is
a serious activity not to be ridiculed," says Hare Krishna spokesperson
Jaya Shila.
As vegetarians, the association with meat has angered them even more.
"The unnecessary killing of animals is against our basic belief," Shila
But NZ Beef and Lamb says the Krishnas will just have to get used to
the campaign.
"The concept is butchers are jolly, happy characters, they're extroverted
and here's a shot of them dancing down the street (with their knives, steels,
pots and pans) singing the benefits of red meat," says spokesman Rod Slater.
"It's as simple as that.
"We're not pulling the ads, they're not meant to be offensive... there's
more in the series to come and we can't wait for that to happen."
The Hare Krishnas have contacted lawyers and complained to the Advertising
Standards Authority.
They will consider whether the advertisement causes serious or widespread
offense, a decision that will take about a month.
It could well be that the butchers chanting and dancing days are numbered !!!
Published on Feb 20, 2003
NOTE: and now the ad' is in Australia too.
Butchers may be extroverted and even jolly persons, but to infer that it is not offensive, or mocking or attempting to belittle the Hare Krishna movement by the statement "The concept is butchers are jolly, happy characters, they're extroverted and here's a shot of them dancing down the street singing the benefits of red meat," (Rod Slater ) is a joke and an insult to human intelligence to even suggest that the two are non-related. The fact of the matter remains, and is a legal item that according to Broadcasting Standards Authority Principle 3 clearly says: "Advertisements should not portray people in a manner which, taking into account generally prevailing community standards, is reasonably likely to cause serious or widespread offense on the grounds of their gender: race: colour: ethnic or national origin; age; cultural religious, political or ethical belief..." and in section Principle 4 of the Code also adds: "...advertisements should not use stereotypes in the portrayal of the role, character and behaviour of groups of people in society, which taking into account generally prevailing community standards, is reasonably likely to cause serious or widespread offense, hostility, contempt, abuse or ridicule."
It clearly does both !!!
Why we might also ask should we have to get used to this kind of thing? It's blatantly against all principles of Human Rights Commission to mock another's religion, culture, life-style, etc, and against the broadcasting principles also, so why do WE have to tolerate it??? I humbly suggest the shoe is on the other foot, these companies who try to abuse-offend-ridicule-misrepresent and or portray us, and our well known, or even lesser known attributes will come to think twice before doing so.
As for the lame statement above regarding butchers:
Factually how does one normally see a butcher? dancing
down the street in a procession, handing out flyers, hands up-raised, with
the rhythmic chants in the background...... or in their slaughter house
or butchers shop, carving pieces of raw flesh that another living being
was reluctant to give up without having to be captured and herded, and
forced to the meat-works. Some of our arguments
Butchers work place
paraphernalia and environment
.......not very jolly at all, merciless definitely.
Send of for your copy of Meet Your Meat here for FREE, and get the REAL picture of what these poor animals have to undergo to have humans fill their plates and bellies full of flesh.
Your chance to complain and make the difference HERE:
The Hidden Cost of Meat
The scarcity myth - solving the hunger in the world problem
Health and a Meatless Diet
our butcher
friends suggest the "benefits of meat" might be good for them to read this
Should We All Be Vegetarian?
From TIME Magazine
Is a well-balanced vegetarian diet healthier than one
that includes meat?
....and their conclusion was YES
Some might rightly say that the Meat company wanting to use the Hare Krishna's could be seen as flattering, recognizing the powerful impact that Harinam sankirtan of taking the Lord's Holy name to the streets is having on the world. That would be okay, BUT to use that pure chanting to promote one of the primary principles that we are so against changes flattery to hard in your face insult - it is VERY offensive to associate the Hare Krishna's with meat eating and or animal slaughter.
Actually we are flattered that they recognize us as being such a threat to their industry, exposing the truths that they so carefully try to cover up of what happens to these poor animals to actually reach a meat eaters dinner plate. It points out just how much in-roads we have had in preaching that they consider us their greatest threat, which indeed we are. Hare Krishna is now a household word all over the world, everyone knows that we stand for no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, and no illicit sex outside sacred marriage.
For the meat industry to target their biggest threat, try to ridicule in this way, and have to do so much research in order to imitate us on our street chanting says a lot for the tottering state of the meat industry, not just in NZ but world wide (see US statistic below).
Five Good Reasons to Be a Vegetarian
In the past fifty years millions of meat-eaters have
made the personal decision to stop eating the flesh of other creatures.
There are five major motivations for such a decision.
1) The Dharmic/Scriptural Law reason
Ahimsa, the law of non injury, is the Hindu's first duty
in fulfillment of his religious obligations to God and God's creation as
defined by Vedic scripture.
2) The Karmic Consequences reason
All of our actions including our choice of food have
karmic consequences. By involving oneself in the cycle of inflicting injury,
pain and death, even indirectly by eating other creatures, one must in
the future experience in equal measure the suffering caused.
3) The Spiritual Consciousness reason
Food is the source of the body's chemistry, and what
we ingest affects our consciousness, emotions and experiential patterns.
If one wants to live in higher consciousness, in peace and happiness and
love for all creatures, then he cannot eat meat, fish, shellfish, fowl
or eggs. By ingesting the grosser chemistries of animal foods, one introduces
into the body and mind anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, suspicion and a
terrible fear of death, all of which are locked into the flesh of butchered
creatures. For these reasons, shakaharis live in higher consciousness and
mansaharis abide in lower consciousness.
4) The Health reason
Medical studies prove that a vegetarian diet is easier
to digest, provides a wider range of nutrients and imposes fewer burdens
and impurities on the body. Vegetarians are less susceptible to all the
major diseases that afflict contemporary humanity, and thus live longer,
healthier, more productive lives. They have fewer physical complaints,
less frequent visits to the doctor, fewer dental problems and smaller medical
bills. Their immune system is stronger, their bodies are purer, more refined
and skin more beautiful.
5) The Ecological reason
Planet earth is suffering. In large measure, the escalating
loss of species, destruction of ancient rain forests to create pasture
lands for livestock, loss of top soils and the consequent increase of water
impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of
meat in the human diet. No single decision that we can make as individuals
or as a race can have such a dramatic effect on the improvement of our
planetary ecology as the decision to not eat meat. Many seeking to save
the planet for future generations have made this decision for this reason
and this reason alone.
"Cattlemen" running scared
SOURCE: "As more teens go vegetarian, cattlemen saddle
The Philadelphia Inquirer,,
By Kathy Boccella, February 7th 2003
The group that made real men want to eat beef now wants
to convince young girls that it's cool for them, too.
With about one million kids nationwide forsaking meat
and actually eating their vegetables, America's cattlemen are trying to
round up the strays and bring them back to the meat-eating herd.
"We're just trying to bring home the point that all foods fit into a healthy diet and, yes, that includes beef," said Mary Young, nutrition director for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.
Teenagers are the fastest-growing group of vegetarians, according to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). And young girls are more than twice as likely to stop eating meat as boys are, market researchers say.
To reach them, the cattlemen's group launched a Web site
( in December that touts healthy living, offers lots
of tasty beef recipes, and makes educational kits available to teachers
who might want to include lessons on beef in their curriculums.
The cattlemen have cause to worry. One in four teenagers
considers vegetarianism "cool," according to Teenage Research Unlimited
in Illinois. Their reasons vary, but many cite concern for animals, weight
loss, and health for giving up meat, nutritionists say.
Two percent of 13- to 17-year-olds ate no meat, poultry or fish in 2000, up from 1.4 percent from 1995, reported Vegetarian Resource Group, a Baltimore-based nonprofit organization. Five percent ate no beef or pork in 2000.
PETA says the trend is bigger on college campuses, where
from 15 to 20 percent of students say they're vegetarians.
For the cattlemen, it makes sense to try to brand these
youngsters with product loyalty: In not too many years, they will be parents,
and feeding their own little calves.
Part of the group's pitch is to warn youngsters, and their
parents, of the dangers of a meatless diet. The cattlemen cite university
research suggesting that youths who don't eat beef are more prone to poor
health, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and even suicidal thoughts.
"Hogwash," said Michele Shuker, a nutritionist at Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia. Though she's a beef-eater, she said, "One does
not need beef to live a healthy life."
With record numbers of children suffering from obesity, "kids need to get a grip on portion size and get more physical activity," not load up on beef, she said.
To teens devoted to the cause, meat is a four-letter word.
"That's ridiculous," Laura Humpal, 18, of Spring City,
said of the cattlemen's campaign. "I'm in fine health. I never get sick,
and I've been a vegetarian since I was 8 and vegan [someone who doesn't
eat any animal products, including eggs and dairy] since I was 14."
She has never liked meat and would never consider eating
it, she said.
To get all her vitamins and nutrients, she eats lots of green leafy vegetables and takes a Vitamin B-12 supplement.
Her friend Ashley Randolph, 17, of Phoenixville, loves meat but became a vegan three years ago and said she feels "lighter, cleaner, more energetic."
She doesn't think meat is necessary for a balanced diet: "You can definitely get by without it."
Such attitudes have the beef industry "running scared," said Bruce Friedrich, a PETA spokesman, "because kids are learning that if they're eating meat, they're promoting cruelty to animals and harming their own health."
With so many children forgoing meat, fish and fowl, 60 percent of the nation's schools offered vegetarian alternatives in 2001, up from 40 percent in 1999, according to the American School Food Service Association.
Students are asking for "fruits, vegetables and vegetarian items," said Erik Peterson, the group's director of media relations. "Teenage girls request salads."
The Lower Merion School District in Montgomery County offers a daily salad bar. And Kimberton Waldorf School in Chester County serves only vegetarian meals, for cost and food-safety reasons.
"I don't believe that meat is the be-all and end-all of nutrition," said Jennifer Keogh, co-director of Kimberton's lunch program. "There are kids eating hamburgers every night, but they're not having vegetables and fruit."
While experts say health concerns usually are only a minor factor in a teen's decision to stop eating meat, the result can be a more nutritious diet than the standard teen fare of burgers, fries and pizza.
A University of Minnesota study of 4,500 teenagers found that young vegetarians consumed more fruits and vegetables and less fast food, cholesterol and regular soda, and more folate, vitamin A, fiber and iron than their meat-eating peers did. However, they also consumed more diet soda and caffeine, and less Vitamin B-12 than non vegetarians.
"The vegetarian teens were doing significantly better on things like fat intake and vegetable intake, which are just two predictors of long-term health," said Cheryl Perry, a co-author of the study.
But the study also found that adolescent vegetarians were
more likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies, to report dieting, and
to have been told by a doctor that they had an eating disorder. They were
also more likely to have contemplated or attempted suicide.
Other studies have suggested that low protein diets (associated
with vegetarianism) reduce calcium absorption and may have a negative impact
on skeletal health.
With many youngsters not eating meat for ethical reasons,
such as concern for animals, telling them they have to eat meat to stay
healthy "is appalling," said Reed Mangels, a nutritionist with the Vegetarian
Resource Group.
The sides agree that the majority of teens, regardless
of their vegetarian beliefs, have horrible diets. Young, the cattlemen's
association nutrition director, says children who become vegetarians are
worse off since they don't know what they're doing.
"To have a healthy vegetarian diet, you need to be pretty
committed to getting the right nutrients. Most kids this age, meat eaters
or vegetarians, are not that committed," she said.
Beef contains iron, zinc and B-12, which are necessary for growth and good health, she said. But those are available in plant based foods and supplements, too, other nutritionists point out.
And though lean beef has plenty of valuable nutrients in it, recipes on the Cool-2b-real Web site - such as taco beef dip, beef chili, and cheeseburger mac and cheese - "are not particularly healthful," Shuker said, noting that they are loaded with high-fat ingredients and short on fruits and vegetables.
Parents who are worried about their child's diet should
consult a registered dietitian, Mangels advised.
Perhaps the cattlemen can learn something from Jessica
Watson's parents.
The 23-year-old became a vegetarian when she was 12 because
of her love of animals.
"My parents hated it," she said, and tried to force her to eat meat by telling her she would not grow and making her sit at the table until she cleaned her plate.
"Mom's been a vegetarian for three years now, and my dad's been a vegan for five years," said Watson. "It's very satisfying."
Courtesy of the Animal Spirit newsletter:
The Animal Spirit website is up and running again.
More about Vitamins, and the use of a healthy balanced Vegetarian life-style HERE
Love and Sorrow
(HinduDharma: Dharmas Common To All)
by the former/late Shankaracharya of Kanchi - understanding Vegetarianism
Would we be healthier? Would the planet? The risks and benefits of a meat-free life.
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2002; 10:31 a.m. EST
1) It tastes good
2) It makes you feel good
3) It's a great American tradition
4) It supports the nation's farmers
5) Your parents did it
Oh, sorry ... those are five reasons to smoke cigarettes.
Meat is more complicated. It's a food most Americans eat virtually every
day: at the dinner table; in the cafeteria; on the barbecue patio; with
mustard at a ballpark; or, a billion times a year, with special sauce,
lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame-seed bun. Beef is, the TV
commercials say, "America's food"—the Stars and Stripes served up medium
rare—and as entwined with the nation's notion of its robust frontier heritage
as, well, the Marlboro Man.
But these days America's cowboys seem a bit small in
the saddle. Those cattle they round up have become politically incorrect:
for many, meat is an obscene cuisine. It's not just the additives and ailments
connected with the consumption of beef, though a dish of hormones, E. coli
bacteria or the scary specter of mad-cow disease might be effective enough
as an appetite suppressant. It's that more and more Americans, particularly
young Americans, have started engaging in a practice that would once have
shocked their parents. They are eating their vegetables. Also their grains
and sprouts. Some 10 million Americans today consider themselves to be
practicing vegetarians, according to a Time poll of 10,000 adults; an additional
20 million have flirted with vegetarianism sometime in their past.
To get a taste of the cowboy's ancient pride, and current
defensiveness, just click on South Dakota cattleman Jody Brown's website,, and read the new meat mantras: "Vegetarians don't live
longer, they just look older"; and "If animals weren't meant to be eaten,
then why are they made out of meat?" (One might ask the same of humans.)
For Brown and his generation of unquestioning meat eaters, dinner is something
the parents put on the table and the kids put in their bodies. Of his own
kids, he says, "We expect them to eat a little of everything." So beef
is served nearly every night at the Brown homestead, with nary a squawk
from Jeff, 17, Luke, 13, and Hannah, 11. But Jody admits to at least one
liberal sympathy. "If a vegetarian got a flat tire in my community," he
says, "I'd come out and help him."
For the rancher who makes his living with meat or the
vegetarian whose diet could someday drive all those breeder-slaughterers
to bankruptcy, nothing is simple any more. Gone is the age of American
innocence, or naiveté when such items as haircuts and handshakes,
family names and school uniforms, farms and zoos, cowboys and ranchers,
had no particular political meaning. Now everything is up for rancorous
debate. And no aspect of our daily lives—our lives as food consumers—gets
more heat than meat.
For millions of vegetarians, beef is a four-letter word;
veal summons charnel visions of infanticide. Many children, raised on hit
films like Babe and Chicken Run, recoil from eating their movie heroes
and switch to what the meat defeaters like to call a "nonviolent diet."
Vegetarianism resolves a conscientious person's inner turf war by providing
an edible complex of good-deed-doing: to go veggie is to be more humane.
Give up meat, and save lives!
Of course, one of the lives you could save or at least
prolong is your own. For vegetarianism should be about more than not eating;
it's also about smart eating. You needn't be a born-again foodist to think
this. The American Dietetic Association, a pretty centrist group, has proclaimed
that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally
adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of
certain diseases."
So, how about it? Should we all become vegetarians? Not
just teens but also infants, oldsters, athletes—everyone? Will it help
us live longer, healthier lives? Does it work for people of every age and
level of work activity? Can we find the right vegetarian diet and stick
to it? And if we can do it, will we?
There are as many reasons to try vegetarianism as there
are soft-eyed cows and soft-hearted kids. To impressionable young minds,
vegetarianism can sound sensible, ethical and—as nearly 25% of adolescents
polled by Teenage Research Unlimited said—"cool." College students think
so too. A study conducted by Arizona State University psychology professors
Richard Stein and Carol Nemeroff reported that, sight unseen, salad eaters
were rated more moral, virtuous and considerate than steak eaters. "A century
ago, a high-meat diet was thought to be health-favorable," says Paul Rozin
of the University of Pennsylvania. "Kids today are the first generation
to live in a culture where vegetarianism is common, where it is publicly
promoted on health and ecological grounds." And kids, as any parent can
tell you, spur the consumer economy; that explains in part the burgeoning
sales of veggie burgers (soy, bulgur wheat, cooked rice, mushrooms, onions
and flavorings in Big Mac drag) in supermarkets and fast-food chains.
Children, who are signing on to vegetarianism much faster
than adults, may be educating their parents. Vegetarian food sales are
savoring double-digit growth. Top restaurants have added more meatless
dishes. Trendy "living foods" or "raw" restaurants are sprouting up, like
Roxanne's in Larkspur, Calif., where no meat, fish, poultry or dairy items
are served, and nothing is cooked to temperatures in excess of 118°F.
"Going to my restaurant," says Roxanne Klein, "is like going to a really
cool new country you haven't experienced before."
Like any country, vegetarianism has its hidden complexities.
For one thing, vegetarians come in more than half a dozen flavors, from
sproutarians to pesco-pollo-vegetarians. The most notorious are the vegan
(rhymes with intriguin' or fatiguin') vegetarians. The Green Party of the
movement, vegans decline to consume, use or wear any animal products. They
also avoid honey, since its production demands the oppression of worker
bees. TV's favorite vegetarian, the cartoon 8-year-old Lisa Simpson, once
had a crush on a fellow who described himself as "a Level Five vegan—I
don't eat anything that casts a shadow." Among vegan celebrities: the rock
star Moby and Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who swore off steak for
breakfast and insists he feels much better starting his day with miso soup,
brown rice or oat groats.
To true believers—who refrain from meat as an A.A. member
does from drink and do a spit-take if told that there's gelatin in their
soup—a semi vegetarian is no vegetarian at all. A phrase like pesco-pollo-vegetarian,
to them, is an oxymoron, like "lapsed Catholic" or "semivirgin." Vegetarian
Times, the bible of this particular congregation, lays down the dogma:
"For many people who are working to become vegetarians, chicken and fish
may be transitional foods, but they are not vegetarian foods ... the word
'vegetarian' means someone who eats no meat, fish or chicken."
Clear enough? Not to many Americans. In a survey of 11,000
individuals, 37% of those who responded "Yes, I am a vegetarian" also reported
that in the previous 24 hours they had eaten red meat; 60% had eaten meat,
poultry or seafood. Perhaps those surveyed thought a vegetarian is someone
who, from time to time, eats vegetables as a side dish—say, alongside a
prime rib. If more than one-third of people in a large sample don't know
the broadest definition of vegetarian, one wonders how they can be trusted
with something much more difficult: the full-time care and picky-picky
feeding of their bodies, whatever their dietary preferences.
We know that fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and
nuts are healthy. There are any number of studies that show that consuming
more of these plant-based foods reduces the risk for a long list of chronic
maladies (including coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and many
cancers) and is a probable factor in increased longevity in the industrialized
world. We know that on average we eat too few fruits and vegetables and
too much saturated fat, of which meat and dairy are prime contributors.
We also know that in the real world, real diets—vegetarian and nonvegetarian—as
consumed by real people range from primly virtuous to pig-out voracious.
There are meat eaters who eat more and better vegetables than vegetarians,
and vegetarians who eat more artery-clogging fats than meat eaters.
The International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, a
major conference on the subject, was held this spring at Loma Linda (Calif.)
University. The research papers presented there included some encouraging
if tentative findings: that a predominantly vegetarian diet may have beneficial
effects for kidney and nerve function in diabetics, as well as for weight
loss; that eating more fruits and vegetables can slow, and perhaps reverse,
age-related declines in brain function and in cognitive and motor performance—at
least in rats; that vegetarian seniors have a lower death rate and use
less medication than meat-eating seniors; that vegetarians have a healthier
total intake of fats and cholesterol but a less healthy intake of fatty
acids (such as the heart-protecting omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil).
But one paper suggested that low-protein diets (associated
with vegetarians) reduce calcium absorption and may have a negative impact
on skeletal health. And although several studies on Seventh-Day Adventists
(typically vegetarians) indicated that they have a longer-than-average
life expectancy, other studies found that prostate-cancer rates were high
in Adventists, and one study found that Adventists were more likely to
suffer hip fractures.
Can it be that vegetarianism is bad for your health?
That's a complex issue. There's a big, beautiful plant kingdom out there;
you ought to be able to dine healthily on this botanical bounty. With perfect
knowledge, you can indeed eat like a king from the vegetable world. But
ordinary people are not nutrition professionals. While some vegetarians
have the full skinny on how to watch their riboflavin and vitamins D and
B12, many more haven't a clue. This is one reason that vegetarians, in
a study of overall nutrition, scored significantly lower than nonvegetarians
on the USDA's Healthy Eating Index, which compares actual diet with USDA
Another reason is that vegans skew the stats, because
their strict avoidance of meat, eggs and dairy products can lead to deficiencies
in iron, calcium and vitamin B12. "These nutrients are the problem," says
Johanna Dwyer, a professor of nutrition and medicine at Tufts University.
"At least among the vegans who are also philosophically opposed to fortified
foods and/or vitamin and mineral supplements."
Debates about the efficacy of vegetarianism follow us
from cradle to wheelchair. In 1998 child-care expert Dr. Benjamin Spock,
who became a vegetarian late in life, stoked a stir by recommending that
children over the age of 2 be raised as vegans, rejecting even milk and
eggs. The American Dietetic Association says it is possible to raise kids
as vegans but cautions that special care must be taken with nursing infants
(who don't develop properly without the nutrients in mother's milk or fortified
formula). Other researchers warn that infants breast-fed by vegans have
lower levels of vitamin B12 and DHA (an omega-3 fatty acid), important
to vision and growth.
And there is always the chance of vegetarian theory gone
madly wrong in practice. A Queens, N.Y., couple were indicted last May
for first-degree assault, charged with nearly starving their toddler to
death on a strict diet of juices, ground nuts, herbal tea, beans, flaxseed
and cod-liver oils. At 16 months, the girl weighed 10 lbs., less than half
the normal weight of a child her age. Their lawyer's defense: "They felt
that they have their own lifestyle. They're vegetarians." The couple declined
to plea-bargain, and are still in jail awaiting trial.
Many children decide on their own to become vegetarians
and are declaring their preference at ever more precocious ages; it's often
their first act of domestic rebellion. But a youngster is at a disadvantage
insisting on a rigorous cuisine before he or she can cook food—or buy it
or even read—and when the one whose menu is challenged is the parent: nurturer,
disciplinarian and executive chef. Alicia Hurtado of Oak Park, Ill., has
been a vegetarian half her life—she's 8 now—and mother Cheryle mostly indulges
her daughter's diet. Still, Mom occasionally sneaks a little chicken broth
into Alicia's pasta dishes. "When she can read labels," Cheryle says, "I'll
be out of luck."
By adolescence, kids can read the labels but often ignore
the ingredients. Research shows that calcium intake is often insufficient
in American teens. By contrast, lacto-ovo teens usually have abundant calcium
intake. For vegans, however, consuming adequate amounts of calcium without
the use of fortified foods or supplements is difficult without careful
dietary planning. Among vegan youth who do not take supplements, there
is reason for concern with respect to iron, calcium, vitamins D and B12,
and perhaps also selenium and iodine.
For four years Christina Economos has run the Tufts longitudinal
health study on young adults, a comprehensive survey of lifestyle habits
among undergraduates. In general, she finds that "kids who were most influenced
by family diet and health values are eating healthy vegetarian or low-meat
diets. But there is a whole group of students who decide to become vegetarians
and do it in a poor way. The ones who do it badly don't know how to navigate
in the vegetarian world. They eat more bread, cheese and pastry products
and load up on salad dressing. Their saturated-fat intake is no lower than
red-meat eaters, and they are more likely to consume inadequate amounts
of vitamin B12 and protein. They may think they are healthier because they
are some sort of vegetarian and they don't eat red meat, but in fact they
may be less healthy."
Jenny Woodson, 20, now a junior at Duke, has been a vegetarian
from way back. At 6, on a trip to McDonald's, she ordered a tossed salad.
When Jenny lived in a dorm at high school, she quickly realized that teens
do not live on French fries and broccoli alone. "We ended up making vegetarian
sandwiches with bagels and ingredients from the salad bar, cheese fries
and stuffed baked potatoes with cottage cheese." Jenny and her friends
were careful to avoid high-fat, calorie-laden fare at the salad bar, but
for those who don't exercise restraint, salad-bar fixings can become vegetarian
junk food.
Maggie Ellinger-Locke, 19, of the St. Louis, Mo., suburb
of University City, has been a vegetarian for eight years and went vegan
at 15. Since then she has not worn leather or wool products or slept under
a down comforter. She has not used cups or utensils that have touched meat.
"It felt like we were keeping kosher," says Maggie's mother Linda, who
isn't Jewish. At high school Maggie was ridiculed, even shoved to the ground,
by teen boys who apparently found her eating habits threatening. She found
a happy ending, of sorts, enrolling at Antioch College, where she majors
in ecofeminism. "Here," she says, "the people on the defensive are the
ones who eat meat."
Maggie hit a few potholes on the road to perfection. Until
recently, she smoked up to two packs of cigarettes a day (cigarettes, after
all, are plants fortified with nicotine), quitting only because she didn't
want to support the tobacco business. And she freely admits to an eating
disorder: for the past year she has been bulimic, bingeing and vomiting
sometimes as much as once a day to cope with stress. But she insists she
is true to her beliefs: even when bingeing, she remains dedicated to vegan
The American Dietetic Association found that vegetarian
diets are slightly more common among adolescents with eating problems but
that "recent data suggest that adopting a vegetarian diet does not lead
to eating disorders." It can be argued that most American teens already
have an eating disorder—fast food, soft drinks and candy are a blueprint
for obesity and heart trouble. Why should teens be expected to purge their
bad habits just because they have gone veggie? Still, claims Simon Chaitowitz
of the pro-vegetarian and animal-rights group Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, "Kids are better off being junk-food vegetarians
than junk-food meat eaters."
Maybe. According to Dr. Joan Sabate, chairman of the
Loma Linda nutrition conference, there are still concerns over vegetarian
diets for growing kids or lactating women. When you are in what he calls
"a state of high metabolic demand," any diet that excludes foods makes
it harder to meet nutrient requirements. But he is quick to add that "for
the average sedentary adult living in a Western society, a vegetarian diet
meets dietary needs and prevents chronic diseases better than an omnivore
Like kids and nursing moms, athletes need to be especially
smart eaters. Their success depends on bursts of energy, sustained strength
and muscle mass, factors that require nutrients more easily obtained from
meat. For this reason, relatively few top athletes are vegetarians. Besides,
says sports nutritionist Suzanne Girard Eberle, the author of Endurance
Sports Nutrition, "lots of athletes have no idea how their bodies work.
That's why fad diets and supplements are so attractive to them."
Eberle notes that vegetarian diets done correctly are
high in fiber and low in fat. "But where are the calories?" she asks. "World-class
endurance athletes need in excess of 5,000 or 6,000 calories a day. Competition
can easily consume 10,000. You need to eat a lot of plant-based food to
get those calories. Being a vegetarian athlete is hard, really hard to
do right."
It's not that easy for the rest of America, either. Middle-aged
to elderly adults can also develop deficiencies in a vegetarian diet (as
they can, of course, with a poor diet that includes meat). Deficiencies
in vitamins D and B12 and in iodine, which can lead to goiter, are common.
The elderly tend to compensate by taking supplements, but that approach
carries risks. Researchers have found cases in which vegetarian oldsters,
who are susceptible to iodine deficiency, had dangerously high and potentially
toxic levels of iodine in their bodies because they overdid the supplements.
Meat producers acknowledge that vegetarian diets can be
healthy. They also have responded to the call for leaner food; the National
Pork Board says that, compared with 20 years ago, pork is on average 31%
lower in fat and 29% lower in saturated fat, and has 14% fewer calories
and 10% less cholesterol. But the defenders of meat and dairy can also
go on the offensive. They mention the need for B12. And then they ratchet
up the fear factor. Kurt Graetzer, ceo of the Milk Processor Education
Program, scans the drop in milk consumption (not only by vegans but by
kids who prefer soda, Snapple and Fruitopia) and declares, "We are virtually
developing a generation of osteoporotic children."
Dr. Michelle Warren, a professor of medicine at New York
Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City—and a member of the Council
for Women's Nutrition Solutions, which is sponsored by the National Cattlemen's
Beef Association— expresses concern about calcium deficiency connected
with a vegan diet: "The most serious consequences are low bone mass and
osteoporosis. That is a permanent condition." Warren says that in her practice,
she has seen young vegetarians with irregular periods and loss of hair.
"And there's a peculiar color, a yellow tinge to the skin," that occurs
in people who eat a lot of vegetables rich in beta carotene in combination
with a low-calorie diet. "I think it's very unattractive." She also is
troubled by the reasons some young vegetarians give for their choice of
diet. One female patient, Warren says, wouldn't eat meat because she was
told it was the reason her father had a heart attack.
Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for
Science in the Public Interest in Washington, sees most of the meat and
dairy lobby's arguments as desperate, disingenuous scare stories. "It unmasks
the industry's self-interest," he says, "when it voices concern about B12
while hundreds of thousands of people are dying prematurely because of
too much saturated fat from meat and dairy products." Indeed, according
to David Pimentel, a Cornell ecologist, the average American consumes 112
grams of protein a day, twice the amount recommended by the National Academy
of Sciences. "This has implications for cancer risks and stress on the
urinary system," says Pimentel. "And with this protein comes a lot of fat.
Fully 40% of our calories—and heavy cardiovascular risks—come from fat."
Pimentel argues that vegetarianism is much more environment-friendly
than diets revolving around meat. "In terms of caloric content, the grain
consumed by American livestock could feed 800 million people—and, if exported,
would boost the U.S. trade balance by $80 billion a year." Grain-fed livestock
consume 100,000 liters of water for every kilogram of food they produce,
compared with 2,000 liters for soybeans. Animal protein also demands tremendous
expenditures of fossil-fuel energy—eight times as much as for a comparable
amount of plant protein. Put another way, says Pimentel, the average omnivore
diet burns the equivalent of a gallon of gas per day—twice what it takes
to produce a vegan diet. And the U.S. livestock population—cattle, chickens,
turkeys, lambs, pigs and the rest—consumes five times as much grain as
the U.S. human population. But then there are 7 billion of them; they outnumber
us 25 to 1.
In the spirit of fair play to cowboy Jody Brown and his
endangered breed, let's entertain two arguments in favor of eating meat.
One is that it made us human. "We would never have evolved as large, socially
active hominids if we hadn't turned to meat," says Katharine Milton, an
anthropologist at the University of California, Berkeley. The vegetarian
primates (orangutans and gorillas) are less social than the more omnivorous
chimpanzees, possibly because collecting and consuming all that forage
takes so darned much time. The early hominids took a bold leap: 2.5 million
years ago, they were cracking animal bones to eat the marrow. They ate
the protein-rich muscle tissue, says Milton, "but also the rest of the
animal—liver, marrow, brains—with their high concentrations of other nutrients.
Evolving humans ate it all."
Just as important, they knew why they were eating it.
In Milton's elegant phrase, "Solving dietary problems with your head is
the trajectory of the primate order." Hominids grew big on meat, and smart
on that lovely brain-feeder, glucose, which they got from fruit, roots
and tubers. This diet of meat and glucose gave early man energy to burn—or
rather, energy to play house, to sing and socialize, to make culture, art,
war. And finally, about 10,000 years ago, to master agriculture and trade—which
provided the sophisticated system that modern humans can use to go vegetarian.
The other reason for beef eating is, hold on, ethical—a
matter of animal rights. The familiar argument for vegetarianism, articulated
by Tom Regan, a philosophical founder of the modern animal-rights movement,
is that it would save Babe the pig and Chicken Run's Ginger from execution.
But what about Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse? asks Steven Davis, professor
of animal science at Oregon State University, pointing to the number of
field animals inadvertently killed during crop production and harvest.
One study showed that simply mowing an alfalfa field caused a 50% reduction
in the gray-tailed vole population. Mortality rates increase with each
pass of the tractor to plow, plant and harvest. Rabbits, mice and pheasants,
he says, are the indiscriminate "collateral damage" of row crops and the
grain industry.
By contrast, grazing (not grain-fed) ruminants such as
cattle produce food and require fewer entries into the fields with tractors
and other equipment. Applying (and upending) Regan's least-harm theory,
Davis proposes a ruminant-pasture model of food production, which would
replace poultry and pork production with beef, lamb and dairy products.
According to his calculations, such a model would result in the deaths
of 300 million fewer animals annually (counting both field animals and
cattle) than would a completely vegan model. When asked about Davis' arguments,
Regan, however, still sees a distinction: "The real question is whether
to support production systems whose very reason for existence is to kill
animals. Meat eaters do. Ethical vegetarians do not."
The moral: there is no free lunch, not even if it's vegetarian.
For now, man is perched at the top of the food chain and must live with
his choice to feed on the living things further down. But even to raise
the question of a harvester Hiroshima is to show how far we have come in
considering the humane treatment of that which is not human. And we still
have a way to go. "It may take a while," says actress and vegetarian Mary
Tyler Moore, "but there will probably come a time when we look back and
say, 'Good Lord, do you believe that in the 20th century and early part
of the 21st, people were still eating animals?'"
It may take a very long while. For most people, meat
still does taste good. And can "America's food" ever be tofu?
—Reported by Melissa August and Matthew Cooper/Washington, David Bjerklie and Lisa McLaughlin/New York, Wendy Cole/Chicago and Jeffrey Ressner/ Los Angeles
An interesting book worth reading; Vegetarianism:Movement
or Moment?
Here's a couple of sample letters if you can't think of anything to write. Obviously our lawyers will have a stronger impact on removing this nasty cheap exploitive ad'. Still we are VERY much appreciative of public support and thank you for your help and well wishes. Maybe if these obviously insensitive people, who adamantly think there's no harm done, receive enough letters of support and demanding removal of the advertisement the penny will drop, and or they might even think next time. Still not as funny as the ad' they had to remove a while back; they were saying that feeding babies meat would make them into a genius like Einstein - duh, they didn't even know that Einstein was a famous vegetarian............... the ad' said it all for the value of meat !!!!!
Sample letter:
19 February 2003
To the Broadcasting Standards Authority
2nd Floor NZ Lotteries Commission Building
54-56 Cambridge Terrace
PO Box 9213, Wellington
and to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board
PO Box 10 675, Wellington.
Telephone 09 472 7852.
Dear Sir
I would like to make a formal complaint regarding the use, in the current advertising campaign of the New Zealand Beef and Lamb Marketing Bureau, of the Hare Krishna religion's well known style of street chanting of the Holy names of God in order to promote the meat industry.
The following points need to be clearly understood:
· The Hare Krishna religion
is strictly vegetarian and as such it is very offensive to ridicule them
by this cheap advertising gimmick;
· The cow is sacred to all
Hindus, of which the Hare Krishna movement is a part; if this lack of safeguard
for discrimination and victimization were to be against the disabled, or
women, or gays, or the Maori there would be a great outcry.
This advertisement is against the New Zealand Human Rights Act; it is not fair to allow such a presentation that influences the public opinion toward a section of society such as the Hare Krishna's as this ad does. It is particularly important to avoid being insensitive to various cultural and religious groups given recent world events and the subsequent outpouring of (overwhelmingly negative) racial and cultural profiling and stereotyping.
In the New Zealand Human Rights Act, Section 5 refers to Discrimination Based on Race, Sex, Religion, Disability, Language, or Social Status. The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of these factors, and the Government effectively enforces it. The 1993 Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex, marital status, religious belief, ethical belief, colour, race, ethnic or national origins, disability, age, political opinion, employment status, and family status. Similarly the NZ Bill of Rights Act sections 13 through to 20 uphold the same (
Given all this, WHY might I ask are these people being sanctioned by you, the Broadcasting Standards Authority, to propagate such religious derision and mockery when the law says "including the right to adopt and hold opinions without interference"???. This is clearly interfering with the Hare Krishna's freedom to express their religion with the respect and integrity that a modern multi-cultural New Zealand offers us all.
As a NZ born Hindu, I would be extremely grateful if you could take steps to remove this distasteful ad from air immediately.
Thank you for your co-operation and cultural-religious sensitivity on this issue.
Yours sincerely
Your name and address =>:-))
Sample letter
To the Broadcasting Standards Authority
2nd Floor NZ Lotteries Commission Building
54-56 Cambridge Terrace
PO Box 9213, Wellington
and to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board
PO Box 10 675, Wellington.
Telephone 09 472 7852.
Dear Sirs,
Hare Krishna. Please accept our best wishes.
I am writing to add my personal complaint to that of many others whom I know have already expressed their concern over an advertisement currently being shown on national television.
I am a member of ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, (otherwise known as the Hare Krishna movement). I serve full-time, on a voluntary basis, in ISKCON’s Auckland temple as a secretary / treasurer.
The advertisement is from the New Zealand Beef and Lamb Marketing Bureau. It advertises meat, and uses scenes of persons dressed as butchers dancing and chanting in the street in a similar fashion to the Hare Krishna harinama sankirtan chanting.
I consider that this comic portrayal of the traditional religious street chanting which is regularly carried out by Vaisnava devotees, i.e. worshippers of Visnu or Krishna, to be extremely offensive and derogatory. When devotees chant the holy names of God in public they are carrying out a serious mission to give everyone an opportunity to come closer to the Lord. It is not an activity to be ridiculed.
Moreover, to associate our movement with the eating of meat is very offensive. We are well known to be vegetarians, and the avoidance of meat-eating is a religious principle. The advertisement is also incorrect in suggesting that one needs “red meat” to derive protein, iron or certain vitamins etc. Medical evidence can prove that lacto-vegetarians who follow a balanced diet do not lack any necessary ingredients for health.
The most shocking effect of this advertisement is that it ridicules an established religious movement. Even the words used in the butchers’ “chanting” are too similar to the holy names of God, - Hare Hare. It is quite obvious that for a cheap effort to raise a few laughs, the advertisers have offensively caricatured the devotees of the Hare Krishna movement, without any respect or consideration for their basic beliefs and principles.
I ask that you immediately remove this advertisement, and censor those who presented it.
Yours faithfully,
Madri Hardwick-Smith
(Mrs M Hardwick-Smith), ISKCON, AUCKLAND
While you're fired up, please send a message HERE too !!!!!
We need your help in a special way as defined in the Universal
Howlett - Information Officer, Human Rights Commission
You might like to send us a copy too, if you don't
mind Thanx
We must not fail to perform sacrifices to the celestials, offer libations to our fathers and perform sraddha. In the past, apart from these, our ancestors did puja to the gods, fed guests and performed vaisvadeva which rite is meant for all creatures. You must have some idea of these rites even if you do not perform them. I will speak to you about vaisvadeva.
To sustain ourselves, we cause hurt to so many creatures, don't we? We take pride in keeping our house clean but we forget that every household is a butchery. According to dharmasastras it is not one butchery but five butcheries together. What are these five?
Pancasuna grhasthasya vartante harahah sada
Khandani pesani culli jalkumbha upaskarah
Khandani is used to cut vegetables- it stands for one type of butchery. Vegetables also do have life. The second butchery is represented by the grinding our pounding stone. We mercilessly grind corn, pulses, etc, in it.
Here an answer must be given to objections raised by meat-eaters about vegetarian food. They tell us: "Like the goats, cows and fowl that we eat, vegetables and cereals also have life. "True. Though there is no difference in kind between them, there is a difference in the degree of violence done to vegetables and animals. Plants have life and feelings like humans but they do not have the sensation of pain to the same degree as animals and birds have. This has been scientifically established. Also, but for certain leafy vegetables which we uproot to be prepared as food, most other vegetables are obtained from plants without killing them: it is like removing our nails or hair. The plant suffers only a little pain. Pain even to this degree will not be caused if we eat the fruits of these plants after they drop ripe. As for the cereals they are harvested only after the crop is ripe and dry.
There is one more argument in favour of vegetarianism. Now only certain types of meat like beef are eaten. Horsemeat is not usually eaten. During World War I or II, when the question arose as to whether the soldiers could be fed horsemeat, the non vegetarians themselves opposed the idea. People who think it civilized to eat birds and animals condemn tribes in some remote land who eat human flesh as barbarous and call them cannibals. We must tell meat-eaters who remind us that vegetables also have life. "Yes, but when it comes to violence, are all creatures the same? Why do you make a difference between animal flesh and human flesh? Similarly, we make a distinction between plants and animals. Vegetarianism also promotes sattvic qualities. "Unavoidably, for the sake of existence, we have to keep at home instruments of butchery like the khandani, pesani, etc.
The third butchery is represented by the culli or the kitchen fire. Many insects perish in the cooking fire. An ant crawls about the oven or fireplace and is burnt. Sometimes when we keep a pot on the floor or the shelf an insect or two get crushed. In the summer insects come seeking wet places, places for example where vessels are kept. The water-pot is also included among the objects of butchery. Then there is the upaskara, the broomstick. Aren't many tiny insects killed as we sweep the floor? Thus there are five instruments or objects of butchery in our home.
We must not cause harm even to those creatures that hurt us. But what do we do? We cause pain to, or kill, even harmless creatures. It is sad to think that to live, to sustain ourselves, we have to keep hurting so many living things. But it all seems unavoidable. We do not kill deliberately. There is an expiation for the sin committed unwittingly. It is the prayascitta of the "vaisvadeva". We perform this function to ask the Lord to forgive us our sin of having caused the destruction of various creatures and to pray for their happiness in afterlife. Vaisvadeva is meant for the excommunicated and for all creatures of earth like dogs, crows, insects, all. This rite absolves us of many a sin.
The pancha-mahayajnas were conducted for eons by the sages, by the children of Brahma. All performed them from the hoary past until the time of our grandfathers. The five great sacrifices are to be performed uninterruptedly until the deluge. But we have had the "good fortune" of having broken this tradition. Worse, we have deprived future generations of the benefits to be derived from them.
I have dealt with a variety of rites. Perform at least those you can
without prejudice to your office or professional work. If you fail to do
so you must be regretful and make amends for the same.
I am writing to you out of great concern for the future of our status as people allowed to live according to our culture without being discriminated against. We need your help.
You may have seen that presently the TVNZ is carrying an advertisement by the New Zealand Beef and Lamb Marketing Bureau that mimics in a manner of ridicule the Hare Krishna's in their sacred street chanting and dancing. The NZB&L says there ad' is a celebration of meat and is not in anyway offensive - maybe to them, but that is not how we see it, we are offended. Imagine the uproar if a ritual that another group takes seriously were parodied in such a way, ie the Maori Haka or the Anglican Eucharist?
See the URL here to see our complaint that was featured on TV ONE news (top of this page)
I am bringing this to your attention as you are well known for upholding culture in your own right. According to Broadcasting Standards Authority, and the Advertising Standards Authority; Principle 3 clearly says: "Advertisements should not portray people in a manner which, taking into account generally prevailing community standards, is reasonably likely to cause serious or widespread offense on the grounds of their gender: race: colour: ethnic or national origin; age; cultural religious, political or ethical belief..." and in section Principle 4 of the Code also adds: "...advertisements should not use stereotypes in the portrayal of the role, character and behaviour of groups of people in society, which taking into account generally prevailing community standards, is reasonably likely to cause serious or widespread offense, hostility, contempt, abuse or ridicule."
Similarly the New Zealand Human Rights, Section 5 Discrimination Based on Race, Sex, Religion, Disability, Language, or Social Status. The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of these factors, and the Government effectively enforces it. The 1993 Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex, marital status, religious belief, ethical belief, color, race, ethnic or national origins, disability, age, political opinion, employment status, and family status. Similarly the NZ Bill of Rights Act sections 13 through to 20 upholds the same please view this page ( ) - then why we might ask are these people being sanctioned by you to propagate such religious derision and mockery when the law says "including the right to adopt and hold opinions without interference"???.
See my page on notes in conjunction with Human Rights Commission of the UN ........ so many points are there. We believe that we are being mistreated, victimized and greatly played down. ( PROVISIONS FOR THE PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS BELONGING TO MINORITIES )
"Discrimination has been prohibited in a number of international instruments that deal with most, if not all, situations in which minority groups and their individual members may be denied equality of treatment. Discrimination is prohibited on the grounds of, inter alia, race, language, religion, national or social origin, and birth or other status. Important safeguards from which individual members of minorities stand to benefit include recognition as a person before the law, equality before the courts, equality before the law, and equal protection of the law, in addition to the important rights of freedom of religion, expression and association."
Article 27:
The Declaration grants to persons belonging to minorities:
- Protection, by States, of their existence and their national or ethnic,
cultural, religious and linguistic identify (art. 1);
- the right to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their
own religion and to use their own language in private and in public (art.
- the right to participate in cultural, religious, social, economic
and public life (art. 2.2);
- the right to participate in decisions which affect them on the national
and regional levels (art. 2.3);
- the right to establish and maintain their own associations (art.
- the right to establish and maintain peaceful contacts with other
members of their group and with persons belonging to other minorities,
both within their own country and across state borders (art. 2.5); and
- the freedom to exercise their rights, individually as well as in
community with other members of their group, without discrimination (art.
States are to protect and promote the rights of persons belonging to
minorities by taking measures:
- to create favourable conditions to enable them to express their characteristics
and to develop their culture, language, religion, traditions and customs
(art. 4.2);
- to allow them adequate opportunities to learn their mother tongue
or to have instruction in their mother tongue (art. 4.3);
- to encourage knowledge of the history, traditions, language and culture
of minorities existing within their territory and ensure that members of
such minorities have adequate opportunities to gain knowledge of the society
as a whole (art. 4.4);
- to allow their participation in economic progress and development
(art. 4.5);
In the Saturday NZ Herald newspaper (page 2) they tried to suggest that there are only 363 Hare Krishna supporters out of 38,000 Hindus in New Zealand. Absolute nonsense. Our Auckland temple mailing list has over 3000 addresses on it, and the Hamilton temple list around 1000, then what to speak of Wellington, and Christchurch centers all with established congregations. ( ) (The Commission on Human Rights - [half way down the page] Defining a minority The most commonly used description of a minority in a given State can be summed up as a non-dominant group of individuals who share certain national, ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics which are different from those of the majority population. )
Still we are a minority, and a bona-fide registered religion and United Nations Charter of 1945 (arts. 1 and 55), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 (art. 2) and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 (art. 2). Such provisions also appear in a number of specialized international instruments, including: ILO Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation No. 111 of 1958 (art. 1); International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1965 (art. 1); UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education of 1960 (art. 1); UNESCO Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice of 1978 (arts. 1, 2 and 3); Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination based on Religion or Belief of 1981 (art. 2); and the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 (art. 2).
Their mood is that it is okay to mistreat, demean, ridicule or discriminate against minorities, and that is not right by any standard. New Zealand is after all a Multi-cultural country and should not carry these cultural, religious, and ethnic insensitivity's.
We consider these to cause serious offense and with you joining with us to complain it can be accepted by any sane person as widespread offense - presently only 100 or so have written in to complain that we know of, and frankly they don't take that seriously.
Our lawyers have also approached the ASA and BSA but we need your support too.
Please send in your Formal letter of complaint on your official letterhead if you have to the following:
We need your help in a special way as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "ROLE OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS" Mary Howlett - Information Officer, Human Rights Commission
To the Broadcasting Standards Authority
2nd Floor NZ Lotteries Commission Building
54-56 Cambridge Terrace
PO Box 9213, Wellington
and to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board
PO Box 10 675, Wellington.
Telephone 09 472 7852.
and to E
Sorry for all the extra work, culturally, ethnically, and religiously
it will be worth it in the long run.
Advertising Standards Complaints
P.O.Box 10-675 Wellington
Telephone (04) 472-7852
Facsimile (04) 471-1785
Rt. Rev. John Marshall (a.k.a. JTCd)
Bay of Plenty
Dear Complainant,
NZ Beef and Lamb Television Advertisement - Complaint 2003 / 20
I am writing to advise that the Complaints Board considered the above complaint at its meeting. After carefully considering the information received from all parties the Board decided that the complaint be Upheld as there had been a breach of relevant code.
In accordance with self-regulatory principles all parties have been requested to voluntarily withdraw the advertisement in its present form and to ensure that advertisements containing the material complained of do not appear in the future.
In due course a copy of the Decision will be forwarded to you. If you require urgent clarification of the offending material or other information please do not hesitate to contact me.
We request that you do not communicate the result to the media. Our usual procedure is to send the formal Decision to the media after we have forwarded it to you.
Yours sincerely
Heather McKenzie
Deputy Secretary
Let's answer these supposed refutational claims, their "Myth Busting"
Feel Good Meals
Firstly we would like to point out the single selfishness
of these people. They are highly concerned about "Feel Good Meals" but
what they put other living entities through for the satisfaction of their
lusty tongues and bellies is an outrage to any humane soul. The nature
of one who is willing to slaughter another living being and eat their body
shows symptoms of dire lack of mercy and compassion, and tolerance for
mutual coexistence. If you'd like to FEEL GOOD try understanding the suffering
that these poor creatures endure at a slaughterhouse or chicken farm, take
a serious and objective look at how the dead body before you that looks
so juicy and succulent and see who was living in it recently. Yes, it's
true, and you cannot avoid it if you are an honest person, there was a
living being with all the same feelings, desires, relationships as you
and I inside that flesh and blood that was taken forcibly from them. Have
you ever seen a young calf when he or she is separated from its mother,
have you ever heard the cries of anguish and pain as the animals are involuntarily
shot or prodded with stun guns, tears flowing from their eyes, sometimes
trying to escape right up to the last minute of their life being taken
from them to fill your plate...........!!!!
Do you think that FEELS GOOD ????
If one want to be at least considered as a human, from whence the word humane is derived as being one of our qualities, then at least try to be a little sensitive.
There's no need to kill animals for food, there are thousands of acres of land laying idle, and thousands of people unemployed.
Actually , there is an abundance of food all over the world, if it is stored and distributed properly. There need be no starving persons in the world if the food stuffs are properly distributed, if crops are grown according to the nature of the land, and if some careful planning is done by persons who pose themselves as leaders of society. If you can't do it, then turn the job over to us we will do it !!!
Persons who are in the lower modes of nature may just think that to cause harm to others is a source of making them FEEL GOOD, and we accept that. In the same way as persons in the mixed modes of nature may exploit other beings and eventually allow them some mutual benefit in the revenue or produce for a price or certain commitment to a cause. However, those who are at least in the modes of goodness tale REAL pleasure in knowing that what we do actually brings quality foodstuffs to persons at a good price, that helps the environment, that helps the natural ecology of the planet, that provides a good and sustainable economic basis for every person and moreover supplies quality nutrition for those who partake of it that gives good health, strong bodies for working, and a genuine and real and tangible claim to the little term FEEL GOOD MEALS.
Obviously we don't expect members of the meat industry to accept this, they have their financial investments dictating to them - symptoms of those lower modes that we mentioned earlier as defined in Bhagavad Gita.
They pose the question;
Does meat take longer to digest?
Then they answer it in such a way as to make it look like they have credibility from a medical point of view, which from the following article you will clearly see is untrue. In the article Health and the meatless diet it is clearly stated that meat does in fact take longer to digest, and with the length of the human intestinal tract shows that our bodies are in fact not designed to indulge in carnivorous acts. Some carnivorous scientists have named our nut cracking and fruit-flesh tearing teeth as canine, but as I say, the persons who named them as such had an agenda to maintain.
You don't have to be a scientist to understand that either, just look at the elements that you/we are talking of in the above article Health and the meatless diet.
Beef is what is rotting
in your colon!
Meat Diet Raises Colon Cancer Risk.
Can red meat be included in a cholesterol lowering diet?
We may instead ask the question why, if one is trying to lower their cholesterol would one only go and do half a job in selecting a healthy diet? Why select meat that has had the fat cut off, when it is still packed with so many toxins/poisons and negative fatty acids that immediately compromise the ideal of healthy diet. The whole thing is a nonsense.
It's as crazy as suggesting that someone only use small amounts of poison on a regular basis - but oh my God these are the same people that do say that. They encourage alcohol consumption, and the reason being it helps to digest the rotting meat. Our page on Intoxication reveals further aspects of why the use of various intoxicants are allowed to be consumed in a recreational manner by the multi-national corporations who effectively have so much say in the policy making in most countries.
Is red meat ok in weight loss diets?
Their last few lines contradict their first question's
answer where they ask if meat takes a long time to digest. Their answer
here is that; "High protein foods like red meat are very filling, so you
feel satisfied for longer and don't need to eat as much."
So why are they around longer in the body, because
they are still being digested !!! It is not that they are filling, it is
that they are heavy to digest. Their argument was that vegetables are filling
- or you need to eat more - these questions and answers are absolute nonsense,
and foolishness.
As far as weight loss diets go, this is another one of those areas where industry tries to exploit the people. Also heavily influenced by the fashion industry who provide megga business for manufacturers and retailers who prompt the emotions of the easily manipulated masses into thinking they need a particular product. Then next week have their favourite and heavily sponsored movie star or football player parade around in that product to attract the minds of these innocent people. Often these "famous persons" would never purchase such a product, but wear it or eat it after receiving thousands if not millions of dollars for doing so. Vegetarianism has more integrity, the people who follow it have made considerable life-style decisions and live by what they do, see this small list.
Again looking at this question, it is total selfishness, with only thought of their own situation, and no-one else. Everything is here for their exploitation, and or consumption, where in fact it is not necessarily. Our stance is even supported in the Bible, which over the years has been promoted by the meat-eaters to support their ideas.
Some try to use arguments based on density against volume, i.e., that it may require a few ounces of vegetable matter to compare with a similar amount of the nutrient found in a piece of dead meat. Such arguments actually get no-where more that what came first the chicken or the egg - which of course must have been the egg to define what the resultant chicken would be, otherwise there would be some confused idea like that of Mr Darwin who seems to think that species evolve into other species, which in any case is a good recommendation for a new species i.e. the chicken !!!
In conclusion:
Please take a moment to view what the Harvard
Researchers, and the
Cancer Society, the Heart Foundation all suggest to lay off the Red
Eating a lot of red meats, refined grains, french fries, and other typically Western foods will increase your risk of developing diabetes as an adult by more than half, according to a new study by Harvard School of Public Health researchers.
TIME Magazine also carried the story - Red Alert on Red Meat
"Harvard School of Public Health have linked a diet high in consumption of red meat, processed meat, high-fat dairy products and refined grains, combined with obesity and inactivity, with a high risk for type 2 diabetes in men."
The Harvard University's very own Vegetarian Nutrition and Health Letter (From the November/December issue) poses the question and powerfully provides the answer to the question Do You Need Meat?
So many of these misconceptions still linger on
from the Colonial exploitation days of the last few centuries, where in
the crowded cities of Europe, after the peasants had been driven from the
land by lucrative offers to the land-owning squires to change from small
wholistic/holisitc ways of social interaction and mutual dependency known
as the Feudal system, to what became known as the Industrial Revolution.
Promises of "streets paved with gold" directed the now homeless, landless
peasants from their rural heritage into the work-houses of the newly expanding
modern cities. Cities we may add that needed supporting with vegetables
and grain etc. Alas, those same former grain and vegetable producers were
the new influx into the cities, so production went dramatically down, and
out of necessity crime rate, prostitution and many social and health problems
The answer stared the ruling classes in the face,
they needed to expand their domain to develop new lands to provide for
the rapidly growing cities and also find a way to deposit some of the unwanted
population in remote places so as to relieve pressure in the homelands.
As a result the colonies were developed, lands were
stolen from indigenous peoples, wars were waged and the new claimed blood-tainted
lands were settled by desperadoes looking for a new start (of course we
know some, the criminals who were shipped out had no choice). Lands like
the Americas, Australia, New Zealand etc., became and pretty much remain
the mass exporters for the meat industry to the colonialist's motherlands.
Therefore when we get these kind of supposed "facts"
from the meat industry we have to understand what or who is talking, and
how much multinational money is tied up in their dirty business. We cannot
expect much less than the motivated answers and select questions they poise,
but for those of us who know the truth, who can see beyond the propaganda
machine of modern advertising, we are not part of their waning game.
Yes, the fact is that their business is waning, the facade is being seen through, the information age allows people to make informed choices based on real facts, and not mere doctored so-called facts, although still a lot of these are getting through. We hope that readers find these pages useful in arming themselves against the propaganda of persons who frankly do not have the people's interest at heart, they have their financial fulfillment foremost in their minds, and secondary....well maybe how they can spend it.......! The consumer is somewhere way down the track. We can take the expose of the Cigarette industry, and many other industries who have been exposed for their total disregard for the end of the line consumer, as long as they pay the money, or purchase their product, that sadly is all they are interested in.
For a really good example search for information on Erin Brockovich (I'll leave you to find out what I mean, you will be shocked, excited, blown away, and will understand what I'm saying)
To see similar meat-eaters arguments and gain insights into the proper understanding please go to the following page. A Vegetarian's Guide
To see an interesting article on the relation between meat and alcohol, and how it appears that alcohol maintains a lower body cholesterol in meat eaters reveals what happens when one stops drinking alcohol - the cholesterol again shoots up - so either a meat eater with low cholesterol due to being laden with alcohol or high cholesterol without alcohol. It's a lot less complicated and less harmful to be a vegetarian.
Harvard study questions USDA's food pyramid
Harvard is still somewhat biased,
and very conservative