For calendar events you may like to visit our pages that tell of festivals, feasts, fasts and festoons HERE
If you have any pictures that you'd like to share with fellow devotees
please send them to us with an explanation of the where, when, significance
etc, thank you
Madan Gopal's Giri-govardhan on top of Govardhan hill - North Carolina
Govardhan puja gobar hillock in Deity room at Melbourne temple 1989
Salagram on top of Sarvotbhadra mandala made in coloured rice in a large patra
JTCd's Varahadev on sarvotbhadra mandala on Varaha dwadasi in Melbourne in the 1980s
Mother Seva Priya's Lala Kanaiyaji on Govardhan hill in Mayapur 2005 on Diwali day night
here the devotees are offering candles to all the alters and on route they stop to offer to Lalaji also. The lights are off in the temple room.
Srila Prabhupada stops to take darshan of Govardhan hill in the Pancha tattwa temple in Mayapura 2005 on his palliquin. He has just been carried around the temple room on parikram 3 times and then he circumambulated Lalaji before he went to the pushpa samadhi for his Tirubhav disappearance festival. (in the background is the Panca Tattva altar) It was a very beautiful celebration and is always wonderful to hear from his diciples with their personal stories, some jokes and some instructions for us grand disciples.
See Standards of puja HERE and kinds of upacharas HERE: