Sri Sri Radha Vinod temple - Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
last updated 29th July 2014


This is a small temple up some stairs on Tripoliya Bazaar Road. Vinodilal was installed by Lokanath Goswami. He was the first devotee sent to Vrindavan by Sri Chaitanya.

He has one famous disciple, Narottama dasa Thakur, who was a great poet and who composed many beautiful Vaishnava songs in praise of the Lord. Vinodilal is a beautiful Deity about 30cm (12 inches) tall.

Arati times are 5.30, 7, 11 am and 6, 8.30 pm. At night the Deity darshan is from 4.30 to 8.30 pm.

How to get there It is a very difficult temple to find, as few people come here. From the Radha Damodar Temple you walk to Tripoliya Bazaar Road and make a left. Walk 50 big steps and you will find a flight of stairs to your left. To the right of the stairs is a hose shop, which is shop number 295. If you look at the building, it will not look like a temple. The temple is situated one flight up.

Sri Sri Radha Vinod are also known as Vinodilal in Rajasthan


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