Lord Balaram's Appearance Day & Jhulan yatra 2013
last updated 27th August 2013

with snan vedi all set ready to go, and Radhika Raman on Their swing

little Shyam with Radhika Raman on Their swing

beautiful Radhika Raman on Their swing

Krishna Balaram dressed for Their Abhishek

the altar minus Radhika Ramanji Who were sitting on Their swing

Everyone got to come forward and bathe Krishna Balaram in various substances; milk, yogurt, ghee, honey, sugar water and water.

..........there were many other pics too but for some reason didn't come out

there was a nice shot of all the preparations that had been loving cooked and brought by all the devotees, and the wonderful three layer cake for Lord Balaram.
I managed to get a pic of the top layer, it had chocolate clubs and ploughs all over the lemon icing, made by Hiranyangi mataji


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