Vegetarian Cooking Classes
from the Bay of Plenty

Taught by the accomplished Vegetarian Gourmet Chef Kurma dasa (of the famed TV., Video series, and compiler and author of two brilliant Vegetarian Gourmet Cook Books), where I worked under his guidance in Melbourne, Australia as his assistant cook at Gopals Vegetarian Restaurant on Swanson St. I also helped him with  vegetarian cooking classes at Melbourne University and on numerous feasts at the Hare Krishna temple in Melbourne's Dank St.

Jaya Tirtha Charan dasa (JTC to friends) has been a vegetarian since 1968 just after first meeting the devotees of the Hare Krishna movement in London. He has remained dedicated to vegetarianism for over a quarter of a century. "My experience is reflected in my waist-line. We are not interested in starving, everyone NEEDS satisfaction. Our particular presentation of vegetarianism is truly wholistic, bringing total satisfaction, with nothing lacking what-so-ever. A balanced, healthy, natural diet  ( this is the only context that I use that word - diet ). Other than that... Take prasadam to your full satisfaction and in love call on Their Lordships Sri Sri Nitai Gaura and Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara."

Options for classes:
For those of you living in the Bay of Plenty we can provide cooking classes either at your place or at ours.
We can give personal tuition or for groups of people. Let us see what numbers we get interested and we can provide one session beginning September and another in November or December - the idea would be one class per week for six weeks @ $25 per head per class. This would allow for us to demonstrate and teach five preps' per class - giving you 30 preps to play with. Then who knows you may want to join the next course too.
Yes, we do give discounts to organisers of groups of five or more persons.
If there's interest from greater field via the internet, then we can provide classes through either an online digest, or individual tuition. The prices would still be $25 per person per class for the work involved in presenting the course (and side courses - entrees).

All classes are of a practical nature combining vegetarian preparations from numerous vegetables, fruits, nuts, milk products, grains, and the proper combination of spices. We teach to use fresh foodstuffs rather than processed foods where possible and available. At the end of each class you get to taste the food.

Practical lessons for tasting realised knowledge.

Fresh Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables, and Spices......
...combined together to form the most delicious preparations.......
...for Daily use, for Entertaining, and for Feasting.........

...So among such a variety, and more, what is it they say you are lacking ?

Kurma's Cookbooks are available from us. We personally feel privileged in being able to have assisted in the tasting and testing, to see that all recipes work in the first cook book, and I can vouch that all the recipes work in both cook books.
Higher taste is a neat little recipe book, but also gives many facts about vegetarianism that the average, and especially new vegetarian wouldn't know. It's highly recommended also for giving to friends who may be enquiring and need something to sit down with. You can order copies of this from us too.

International & National Vegetarian Pages.

View the Higher Taste Cookbook before ordering it HERE.
Download a FREE Eggless Cake Cookbook (100 recipes) HERE: