The Loft - Dunedin
The mind is like a parachute,
unless it is truly open
it is still somewhat ineffective... may be very complex or sophisticated
through education, and training... an individual
............or in a group
...........but unless it opens...........
.........grounding could be with
a bump.
Stay aloft & visit
The Dunedin Loft
(03) 453-0150
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays
6:30 - 9:00pm
Bhagavad Gita class Friday
Enlivening Discussions with Questions and Answers
7:45pm feasting.
Sunday Krishnafest
from 5pm
Chanting, Discourse and Feasting !
All you can eat for just $6.00.
In A Non-threatening Environment
Ring: (03) 453-0150
To contact the Dunedin Centre leave a message HERE
Download a FREE Eggless
100 Recipe Cake Cookbook HERE: