Welcome to Gaura's Place

Gaura's Place is at 555 Victoria street, first floor, Hamilton Central.
Ph (07) 839 3558

We are open Tuesday - Saturday 11:30am -2:00pm for lunch which is a set menu daily, with varying preps available of a balanced manu; Soup, Rice, Curried Vegetables, Puris or Pakoras, Salad and Sweet Halava.

The lunch special costs $6, $5 students or $10 all you can eat.

We are open evenings: Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
This meal is also "set" although there is more variety and more "gourmet" style.

 If you just come for dinner the cost is $14.95 adults or $5 kids.

There are yoga classes (Iyengar style) on Thursday nights 6:30-7:45pm and Saturday mornings 10:15am -11:30am.

Cost $15 waged, $12 unwaged price includes dinner or lunch.

Friday nights we explore the Bhagavad Gita from 6.30 pm, followed by dinner at 7.30pm, culminating with a mantra meditaion.

Cost is $8 includes dinner.

Saturday nights 6:30pm...Science of Self Realization workshop, discussing practical yet potent spirituality for the modern age.

Course facilitated by genuine spiritual practitioners, $8 includes dinner.

Yoga links
Official Iyengar Yoga Home page
Medical Endorsement of Iyengar Yoga

Vegetarian links